Saturday, July 05, 2008

Supports push for parks bond

A letter to the editor by Brian Bailey, published in the Marietta Daily Journal on Saturday, July 5, 2008

Feeling it was time to get personally involved in Cobb County's efforts to secure green space, I attended the most recent meeting of the Cobb Parks Coalition.

Also in attendance among the fifty-some people were Commissioners Sam Olens, Tim Lee and Helen Goreham. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the County's track record so far at purchasing the little remaining green space left in the County, and its hopes to rekindle public interest in purchasing more.

To achieve these efforts at protecting open space, the Commissioners need to hear the public's support for a new Cobb parks referendum for this November's General Election ballot. The commission will have to act at this month's meeting to get the measure on the ballot. They need hear how much support there is for parks before this meeting.

Cobb has spent most of the $40 million from the last parks bond and has done an admirable job at keeping the best interests of Cobb's taxpayers first and foremost. Not only in terms of protecting open space, but in doing so in the most economical ways possible. Through negotiation for the lowest cost and buying open lands in strategic parts of the County, they are weaving an ever-growing tapestry of parklands throughout our growing County.

Green spaces will become increasingly important to Cobb residents who opt to pursue outdoor activities closer to home as well as act as a balance to development throughout the county. Please support increasing the purchase of parkland in Cobb County.

Brian Bailey
Powder Springs


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