Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Board of Commissioners hears statement in favor of bond vote!

At last night's Board of Commissioners' meeting, community leader Carol Brown of the Canton Rd. Neighbors group offered her remarks in support of putting the parks bond vote on the November ballot. Here's what Carol said:

Good Evening Chairman and Commissioners,
For the record my name is Carol Brown.
I’m chairman of Canton Road Neighbors.

I wanted to comment briefly on the proposed bond referendum that would
enable the County to buy green space.

We all know that not enough land is being set aside for passive parks and that we have a continuing problem with air and water quality. Those of us who have lived here most of our lives are sad to see so much of Georgia’s natural beauty has been lost to development, and can never be replaced. Cobb County is nearly built out; as less land is available its value will increase. Even land that has been passed over for development in the past is now seen as a viable investment.

The County really can’t afford to wait to acquire much needed park land. The proposal that Chairman Olens has suggested; to sell bonds totaling 40 million dollars in 2007 and 2008, sounds like a good idea. It sounds like a win-win situation; the County can raise the funds needed to buy the land for parks, no one’s property or sales taxes will increase, and the public gets the green space they are asking for.

I hope this proposal will be placed on the ballot for the voters to decide this fall.


At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cobb lags far beyond some of its peers in preservation of land for future use. Thus far, it seems, all of this effort is aimed at buying land without raising taxes. If I read the MDJ accurately, the $40mm of bonds will cost the average taxpayer about $18 annually. This is $1.50 per month. If the average cost of land is about $100K per acre, the average taxpayer will be spending less than a nickle per year for each acre acquired. For every additional dollar an average taxpayer might pay per year, we could buy 20 acres. Thus, if the average taxpayer were to pay $5 per month instead of $1.50 per month, we could buy over 1200 acres rather than 400. 1200 acres is about 40% of the size of Kennesaw Mtn Park. Would the average taxpayer vote against such an investment? DPW


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