Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No 'Parks for Perverts,' vote no on bond

A letter to the editor by Peggy Weymouth, published in the Marietta Daily Journal on Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I would like to voice my opposition to the proposed parks bond. First let me say I used to love parks. I grew up playing in parks, but back then they were used as intended and we did not have a drug problem in America.

Today, parks became hangouts for drug dealers and perverts. We should call this project, "Parks for Perverts." It won't happen right away, but sooner or later it does happen, everywhere in America.

Just look at Atlanta. Even the pretty little pocket parks become unsafe and Chastain has had its share of rapes and murders.

There isn't enough money in local and state budgets to provide 24-hour security and even if they did, parks budget would be the first thing cut in lean times.

This parks acquisition seems to be a feel-good issue and all I've heard are syrupy letters from politicians and people with jobs tied to this issue. It's a very idealistic notion that these parks are going to stay pretty little places for children. Just look at statistics and vote with your brain instead of your emotions.

I will vote no on this issue.

Peggy Weymouth
East Cobb


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